There are 3 things that I am very certain about:

1) I know nothing

2) I used to think I knew something

3) I was wrong

Knowledge is the familiarity, awareness or understanding of something. Plato called it the justified true belief. The bottom line is we can believe, postulate, arrive at a conclusion, or say to a degree of certainty that something is true. But we can not know. Someone will say I know that 2 + 2 = 4. This is a mathematical theory that has never been proven wrong, but because it is a theory it can't be known. Please let's not get into the philosophy of I exist therefore I am, or in my case I eat therefore I am. I could write thousands of pages on both sides of that theory, but I would rather not for my fingers get very sore with all that typing.

The reason I bring this up is I have been struggling with the understanding of  a Creator, Supreme Being or if you must God. In my feeble mind I can not grasp an entity that created such an expansive universe, over 100 billion galaxies with at least 8 planets in our galaxy. Do the math that is an enormous universe, and that is just what is  observable. It is very arrogant to think we are the only creations, if the universe is that big. Yet we have an entity that controls all of that,  plus knows every thought and action in every being on this planet? I think it would be easier for an amoeba to understand a human, than a human to understand God. Anyone who comes to me and says they know God either has the biggest brain in the universe, or is trying to sell me on their religion. I believe that all religions are flawed because they were created by man. Since I can not KNOW God, that leaves 3 choices. I can choose to believe, I can choose to not believe, or I can hope there is a loving being that plays a part in my existence. This is where I am at. I have to believe that love exists in this universe, otherwise what is the point. After 9 years of Catholic school where you are taught to blindly obey or face eternal damnation, fear and guilt were my attitudes toward God. There was no joy, or love, just a lot of thou shall nots.

I want to live like there is no tomorrow
Love like I'm on borrowed time
It's good to be
Good to be alive

From a song by Jason Gray

Until Next Time        the Beggars Apprentice


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