Okay, I didn't want to do this but I've had enough! Our country is being torn apart and it is time to put my two cents worth in. First of all, Republicans are for secure borders and fiscal conservatism. Both are necessary for a nation to survive. And any one who thinks that any democrat is for open borders is either being manipulated or is just misinformed. Democrats are the party of social programs. They believe in equality and equal opportunity for all people. This is the soul of our country. It is what makes everyone want to come here, because Americans believe in generosity and freedom. Both the body, secure borders and fiscal conservatism, and the soul, liberty and justice for all, are essential and what truly makes this country great. I did not vote for either Trump or Hillary. I think that both were extremely flawed candidates and neither could be trusted. For those who support Mr. Trump, please do your homework. He has been a con man all his life. He has built great projects, only to stiff the thousands of workers, like you and me, who worked on those projects, as he went bankrupt. He has done this several times in his career. He has stiffed most of the banks he has dealt with to the point that not one bank in the United States will lend him money. Odd if he is really a multibillionaire. The only bank in the world that will loan him money is the Deutche Bank, which is the bank that Mr Putin uses to launder all the billions of dollars he is stealing from the Russian people. I'm not saying there is a connection. There are qualified Republicans that are worthy of supporting, I like Ben Sasse of Neb. or Nikki Haley of South Carolina. But do not blame the Democrats alone for the divide in this country. It is all of our responsibility to work together to find middle ground that incorporates both the body and soul of this country. If we do not, we stand on the real possibility of losing our constitutional democracy. 

If my views are to hard for you to hear, you are welcome to unfriend me. But I have read all the postings from both sides, and I still love you all.

       Until next time        the Beggar's Apprentice


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