This is a Fox News Alert

I'm Judge Janie Pyro with a Fox News Alert:

You need to be afraid, very afraid. I'm going to continue yelling at you, until you are. Afraid of what? Them!!!  They are coming for your guns, they are coming for your religion, they are coming for your women, and they are coming for your Viagra. …#XX*!!!xx*:;./?^(-)
 I used to watch Fox News everyday and realized that after watching it, I felt a little angst  every time. A little angry, a little upset, and a little depressed all rolled into one. Every time that alert bell went off announcing another looming calamity, I would perk up to see what THEY had done or said now. After a while, I got tired of the negativity that Glen or Bill or any of the other announcers was shoving down my throat. Or Rush and Mr. Reagan on the talk radio beat doing the same, and stopped watching or listening every day. I still tuned in every now and then because I believed they were "Fair and Balanced".      Well, after extensive research, okay 2 articles and 1/2 of a documentary entitled the Brain Washing of my Dad, my roku quit in the middle, this became obvious to me that this was not the case, and I was not alone in my upset. I found that this is a diagnostic disorder{ okay this fake news I made it up, but they sometimes name the disorder after the first person that addresses it so I am throwing my hat in the ring, as someday it might be}. Appartently Roger Ailes is a master of media manipulation, he was Nixon's media man and helped him get elected.  He decided in 1971 that the Republicans needed a TV channel to spread their message and discredit the main street media left anti war coverage. He went on to help Ronald Reagan and George H W Bush get elected,  and worked for other Republican candidates. With the advent of Talk Radio's rise in popularity from local to national, Rush Limbaugh became the voice of the ultra conservative movement. In an interview, Rush said the object of success in talk radio is to make the listener mad. He did this very well. In 1996 a bipartisan congress, pushed by Pres. Clinton and Newt Gingrich passed the Telecommunications Reform  Act. Both allegedly received large donations from the mega media companies. This allowed 6 mega mega corporations to operate and control almost all of the media available. Now the stage was set and in 1996 Mr. Murdock started Fox News and hired Roger Ailes to run it. He  initiated the Orchestra Pit theory which states "if you have 2 guys on stage, and one says I have a solution to the middle east problem, and the other guy falls into the orchestra pit, who do you think will be on the evening news? Or put another way, negative press is better than no press. How many times have we seen Pres. Trump fall into the orchestra pit? It is my opinion that at Fox News there was a fox but no news. It is a opinion and propaganda show. Don't get me wrong, CNN is also opinion and propaganda as MSNBC. If you want real news NPR, the PBS news hour or even the Christian Science Monitor will give you mostly non slanted coverage. Fox has encouraged you to see African Americans, Hispanics, Jews, Muslims, Hispanics again, all immigrants, gays, the liberal media, and finally Democrts as the enemy.  I would encourage everyone to do their own research on this subject. Do not take my opinion or Rush's opinion, even though mine is always right, and determine this for yourself. If you have a friend or loved one caught in the web of the right wing propaganda machine, there is one remedy that has been sometimes helpful. Have your radio on to KLOVE for 8 hours a day, and it may help in the deprogramming of your loved one.

Until Next T... hey who are you?, leave that alone! Don't touch me! I...….

I'm sorry this blog has been temporarily suspended. Please turn to Fox News for updates on when the blog will return.



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