New Years Resolutions


Bruce: anybody make any new year resolutions?
Fluff: I resolved to stay off the counter. Unfortunately someone left some mac and cheese in a bowl.
Ralph: I was not going to wake the human when he was sleeping.
Bruce: how are you doing with that?
Ralph: Well he was still in bed and it was 8:30 and I was hungry.
Mr. Chitton: I made one resolution and I kept it. I resolved to make no resolutions and I haven't.
Ralph: Isn't making a resolution to make no resolutions a resolution?
Mr.Chitton: Huh ?
Ralph: You probably have the world's record for breaking new years resolutions.
Mr Chitton: I'm going to ponder that over a nap.

Tune in next Tuesday for another exciting episode of CAT TALES when you will hear Cat Mahomes say: Either the Super Bowl or the food bowl I'm all in.


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