Happy Valentines Day


Since Valentines Day is a day for lovers and everyone deserves to be loved, for all those like me, for what ever reason, does not have that person in their life, will you be my valentine for today?
This valentine also goes out to all the valentines in my past. Each has added their own special song in my life. The first was a girl named Suzi Miller. We both worked in the dorm cafeteria, and one day I mustered up all the courage I had and ask her out on a date. To my shock she said yes. Suzi was a ray of sunshine on my dreary life. We would walk across campus to get cookies at Joes donut shop, about 3 miles, but I enjoyed just being with her. We would go out in my Renault Dauphene, a very small car, and being broke all the time would run out of gas several times. She would get out and help me push it to the gas station, and it was almost like she saw it as an adventure, and never complained. We would play "slug bug" where if she saw a VW Beetle first she got to slug me in the arm, and if I saw it first, I got to kiss her. It surprising I didn't have a wreck, looking for VW's instead of watching the road. She was a joy in my life. She did not know how damaged I was, or my lack of emotional maturity. One day while walking with some friends on campus, this girl I just met, took me by the hand and claimed me. And I let her, I was a jerk and a coward. I could not tell Suzi a had someone else and just stopped seeing her without an explanation. I'm sorry she deserved so much better. I hope she had a beautiful life. The following song is the one she left on my heart.

Until next time...… the Beggar's Apprentice


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