Since my president has declared that anyone who is a "never trumper"   is human scum, I think it is time to get back on the soap box. I can not imagine another president of this country saying if you don't support me you are human scum. Would George Washington, or JFK, or Ronald Reagan have said this or even felt this? I don't think so. The right to disagree with the person in power is a basic tenant of democracy. However when you disagree with this president he punishes you. Ask Megan Kelly, who ask him hard questions at the first debate of the 2016 election. The next day he tweeted and spoke about blood coming out of her eyes or whatever, and she started receiving harassing phone calls and death threats. She had to hire personal security among other measures because of this. Or the supervisor at Carrier who said that the amount of jobs that the president had saved was considerably less than Mr. Trump announced. The next day Mr. Trump tweeted his name and some derogatory  comments about him, and he started getting harassing phone calls and death threats. This is just 2 examples of many, many more of people who try to stand up to, or just disagree with him. Can you imagine how many threats his democratic foes have received? You wonder why no republicans speak out against him? They want to keep their job and they have families that they want to keep safe. What is said in the open is different than what they say off the record. The republicans are  signaling what they feel when they say "if you don't like the way things are, there is an election coming up." This is their way of saying vote the guy out because we can't stop him. Fear and intimidation of its people are not American values. They are the values of Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, or North Korea. Please don't let the illusion of a strong economy blind you to the tsunami of debt that is coming as medical costs skyrocket. In Kansas citizens were jailed because they could not pay their medical bills. If this is an indicator of the future, the bottom 1/3 of society will be incarcerated because they will get sick and won't be able to afford insurance, or to pay their bills. Eventually only the rich will be able to afford good health insurance and care. I beg you to please look behind the curtain and see the wizard for what he really is. Thank you.

The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Human Scum

Until Next Time...… the Beggar's Apprentice


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