Election 2020


Immigration: Build wall                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Comprehensive                                                                                      reform
                                                                       to immigration system
moat containing alligators & snakes             Pathway for dreamers
Electrify wall. Only let in people I say 
are ok. Norwegians, but no Muslims, 
Hispanics or people from shit hole 
countries because they are rapists and
drug dealers and gang members who
will kill you in your sleep. Anyone
wanting asylyum put in cages or better
yet keep in Mexico where maybe they
will be murdered and we won't have to 
do the paper work.

Gun Control: Take millions of dollars        Comprehensive 
from the NRA so no change to gun laws     Background checks,
                                                                    Close gunshow loophole
                                                                     So guns are not avail.
                                                                      to felons and mentally 
Climate Change: It's a Hoax. I know         Work with worldwide 
more about the climate than the                  community to reduce
scientists.                                                       damage to climate

Allies: Get every dollar from them so      Work with them to 
we are not stuck paying their tab. If         strengthen bonds to keep
they don't like it, let them form their        our mutual enemies at bay
own NATO.

Health Care:  the insurance companies    Health care that protects
can do a better job than the govt.             everyone. 

Economy: Give huge tax breaks to the     Everyone pays their fair 
wealthy so they will create jobs.               share, create jobs thru

Korea: Write love letters to Kim                Accept the fact they have
                                                                   nuclear weapons and 
                                                                   removing them would 
                                                                   result in a bloodbath on
                                                                   the Korean penisula and \
                                                                    Japan. Work with him to
                                                                    bring his country into the
                                                                    21st century.

Yes in a rational world the dead plant would win by a landslide. However Trump and his crew are masters of manipulation. They would name the plant Hillary or Obama and feed the hatred again.
                         DEAD PLANT 2020


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