Maybe closer than you think old chum.
What do you mean Batman?
Well Robin, according to Masaru Emoto in his book the Hidden Messages in Water, he believes that water can absorb human emotions.
Tell me more Batman.
OK Robin. Sit down and I will tell you the story. Mr. Emoto is a researcher from Japan. His passion is taking water samples, freezing them and then taking microscopic photos of the crystal formations. He determined that the less polluted the water was, the more beautiful the formations on the slide were, and polluted samples less organized and unattractive. This was all good and well until one day he took a sample from one of his favorite lakes. He froze the sample and did everything as usual, but this time the results were opposite of the past samples from this lake. Before, the formations were beautiful as the lake was never polluted. Figuring that his lake was now polluted, he had it tested to confirm his suspicions. To his shock the lake tested unpolluted. This was an aberration to his theory, so he set out to find an answer to this problem. While visiting with some of the people who lived near the lake, he was told of a young woman who had committed suicide a while back, drowning herself in the lake. With this knowledge, Masaru contacted a group of monks in the area, and asked them to do a healing  over the lake. After doing a day of prayers, Mr. Emoto thanked them and took another sample to see if there was any change. There was! The results reflected the earlier beautiful formations. Do you know what this means Robin?
Yes Batman, always say your prayers.
Well yes Robin that is always something you should do. In this case Mr. Emoto pondered the idea of water absorbing human emotions.
Wow Batman I never thought of that.
With that idea flowing in Masaru's head, he decided to set up experiments to try out his new theory. He started by getting two samples from the same place, and one he would say nice things to, the other he would yell at or say mean things to. According to his results, the sample receiving positive vibrations, were more attractive and formed than the ones receiving negative emotions. He even put labels on the samples, some positive, some negative, with similar results. If his theory is correct, we need to be aware of what we say to each other. Since our bodies are 60 - 70 water,, we are receptors of emotions from others. When your boss yells at you, it either hurts your feelings or makes you mad. He has emitted his emotion into you. The same is true with positive emotions. When someone shows kindness to you, that kindness is absorbed into your being.
Wow Batman, I guess I will have to be more careful with what and how I say things in the future.
And I too old chum.


Whose on the phone Batman?
It's time for a word from our sponsors Robin.

Editors Note: Because Mr. Emoto's work was not done within the strict scientific methods, and his results have not been duplicated by scientists, there is skepticism of his work. Science is a valuable tool in the search of knowledge, but not the only one. Sometimes the passion of the soul leads to greater discoveries than science.

Until Next time......the Beggar's Apprentice


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