Random Thoughts: Americanism VS Christianity
Perhaps it is the result of isolation from the virus, or too much wine, but I have been thinking about the difference in morality between nationalism and Christianity. If you are an American, abortion is legal. Therefore you must support the law of the land. As a Christian, abortion is murder and must be opposed. So your morality is then based on religious beliefs. When Jesus was taken to be crucified, he could have called an army of angels to intercede his murder, but instead he said to forgive them for they did not know what they were doing. So, by his example killing his persecutors was against his fathers will. As Christians killing others, whether in war, or someone stealing your car is murder. As Americans we are expected to kill our nation's chosen enemies. Now our morality is nationality based. So is morality subjective, where we can pick and choose what is right, or is it objective based on maybe the 10 commandments or Jesus's 2 commandments of love? I don't think abortion is right, but I have never been in a woman's body with a life growing inside of me that I did not want or hated, whether based on a rape or bad decision. I don't think it is for me to judge. I do not think killing someone in war is right, but it is not for me to judge someone else. If I killed someone else in war or another scenario it would be wrong for me. I know I will have the scenario of someone trying to harm my family, thrown at me. It would destroy me if my family members were harmed, and I would do everything in my power to keep it from happening. But I believe Jesus saw something good in every person, as he died for everyone. Not everyone learns love at the same time. Like some flowers, some are late bloomers. There was a TV show called the Early Edition where a man named Gary got the daily newspaper a day early. He would have to attempt to avert the tragedy that was going to happen. In one episode a man convicted for manslaughter, attempts to kill the district attorney that sent him to jail, after he was paroled. Gary kept interfering with his plans, more than once saving his life. In the end the man gets killed by a train as he saved a boy whose foot was caught in the tracks with the train coming. A late bloomer!
Always interested in other:s opinions and random thoughts.
Until next time ........The Beggar's Apprentice
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