Yesterday I went for my weekly trip to Walmart to buy my necessary supplies for the coming week. To my surprise, Walmart was fairly crowded and approximately half of the shoppers were not wearing a mask. There was also a flight from Florida to I think New York yesterday that was 80% full and only half  of the passengers were wearing a mask. In a little more than a week businesses will start to reopen in the area. I know there are those who want to play patriot games and say I'm an American and nobody can tell me what to do, except my wife but I give her permission to. Let's cover a few of the basics here. No one is asking you to wear a mask when mowing your lawn, or fixing your truck, or working in your garden. There have been no reported cases of lawn mower, truck or plant to human transmisson of this virus we are all fighting. So why wear a mask? First let's cover what this virus is not. It is not a hoax. It is not a conspiracy from the democratic party to destroy the American ecconomy to get rid of the president. What it is is a perfect storm or double whammy from virusville. There have been viruses as deadly as this one, but none as contagious. There have been viruses as contagious as this one, but none that have been as deadly. We are just ending round one with this bad boy and it kicked our ass. Killing, sending the world into hibernation, and slowing the world ecconomy to a crawl. If we do not take precautions once the ecconomy opens we will be setting ourselves up for round 2 in the late fall or early winter. Do you really want to do this again? Granted we will be better prepared, but until a vaccine is developed, we are fighting on its terms. When you go into the public, some say it is my life and I will take the chance. You are right, the odds are against you being exposed to this virus. But you are also risking your spouse's, children, grand children, parents, and grand parents's lives. If there is anyone in your family circle that has diabetes, heart problems, an immune system that is compromised, or many other health issues, you could be bringing them a death sentence. So unless you choose to be a selfish person, think of your family and take precautions when you go out. Wear a mask! If a infected person and a stranger are both wearing masks, the infection rate drops to 3 % instead  of  30-70% if one does and one doesn't to neither one wears a mask. So put the mask on or as my mother would say "Don't make me come over there."

Please stay safe and help others do so.


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