Quarantine Update
Day 27

I have to go to Walmart tomorrow. I'm out of 
Quinoa. I don't know what is or used for but I know I will need it soon.

I saw an ad for the Psychic Network offering
a free 5 minute reading. So I called and told them my name. They said they new I was going to call, and started laughing and hungup.

This made me weirded out, so I called Dial a prayer for some good news. The voice on the other end said that my call was important to them. I was 666th in line and my call would be answered in 1 day 3 hours and 12 minutes.

Now I was totally freaked out and called the suicide hotline. They put me on hold and I have been for 2 1/2 hours. But don't worry, I'm not suicidal. I have to pick up some Quinoa tomorrow.

                     Stay safe and sane. Laugh. If you can't laugh at yourself, you can laugh at me. I'm funny looking.


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