What is your stance on the Corona Virus?

President Trump: It is a hoax. It will be over soon.
                             It's  China's fault. It's                                           Obama's fault. I'm not                                               responsible for anything.                                         Everyone that wants a test will                                 get a test. Just take                                                   Hydroxychloriquine. What                                       have you got to lose? Maybe                                   inject some bleach or use ultra                                 violet light.

Joe Biden: What was the question again? Oh yeah                     the virus. That reminds me of when I                       was in the White House with Barrack                     and there wasn't a virus we couldn't                         lick.

Dead Plant: Listen to the experts. Get the supplies                      needed to the 1st responders and                              work with the states to minimize any                      lapse in care.

What is your plan for getting the country back to work?

President Trump: Open it up now, except New                                     York, that Cuomo guy has                                     been stealing my thunder.                                        Testing is overrated. The more                                you test, the more cases you'll                                  find which will make it look bad.
                          I had the greatest economy in the                            world ever, and I won't get                                      reelected if it doesn't come back.

Joe Biden: What was the question again? Oh yeah
                  getting back to work. Man I have been                    stuck in my basement now for almost                      3  months and I want to get back to                          work. I feel the American worker's                          pain. But we got to do it right Man.

Dead Plant: Listen to the experts. Test, test, test.                       People have got to work. Allow most                     businesses to reopen with mandatory                       face masks. If people would rather not                     work or shop than wear a face mask,                       that's their choice. This will reduce                         the potential rebound of the virus by                       up to 70%. Social distancing where                         possible. If a hotspot flares up,                                 quarantine as needed.   Work with big                     pharma  to find a vaccine and a cure                       ASAP.     

Thanks to all 3 of you. I'm sure the voters are now better informed.


     Until next time........ the Beggar's Apprentice                                      


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