A friend of mine is going Face Book dark after Friday because he has become distraught and overwhelmed by his perceived political ignorance of people. Trying to educate people that don't want to be educated can be very frustrating. So Troy, this post is for you. First a few preliminaries. What kind of car you drive - BS. What kind of clothes you wear - BS. What kind of job you have - BS. How much money you make - BS. What political party you support - BS. What kind of house you live in - BS. Yesterday - BS.   Tomorrow - BS. You are here for a reason and that reason has nothing to do with politics. You are here to learn how to love your self, learn how to love your family, learn how to love your friends, and learn how to love strangers. By learning these you learn how to love God. Everything else is BS. You have a good heart and I know you know this. So my friend, until the next time, I leave you and all of us that forget from time to time, who we are and where we are at, and why we are here, with this song. I love you my brother.


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